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Writer's pictureMargaret Cutler

Did you know that helping others can boost your own happiness?

The Joy of Giving: A Neurological Perspective

Research reveals that the act of giving to others triggers the same pleasure centres in our brain as indulging in our favourite foods or engaging in activities we love. This is akin to the euphoria experienced when savoring a decadent piece of chocolate cake or embarking on a game you love. .

A young girl holds a donation box with the text 'Donation' written on it, symbolizing generosity and charitable actions.

The Science Behind Generosity

A series of studies conducted by Harvard University further substantiates this phenomenon. The findings suggest that by extending help to others, we can significantly enhance our emotional well-being. In fact, people report feeling happier when they donate money rather than spending it on themselves.

H.Jackson Brown Jr., "Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more."

Charitable Endeavours: A Pathway to Happiness

There are countless ways to contribute and to make a difference in someone's life. You might consider volunteering with a charity such as The Smith Family, which provides school uniforms, books, and excursions for children.

Alternatively, you could support organisations like the Salvation Army or even volunteer at a hospital which can be incredibly rewarding for both the patient and their families, as well as yourself.There are numerous charities to choose from, including Oz Harvest here in Australia.

The Importance of Random Acts of Kindness

If you're looking for more spontaneous acts of kindness, consider paying for the next person at a toll booth or covering an expiring car park fee.

During festive seasons, you could even pay off all the Christmas lay-bys in a department store – an act recently performed by a generous person in Australia.

The Psychological Benefits of Giving

Whatever form your generosity takes, it fulfils your subconscious need to be useful and your want to give back. This altruistic behaviour benefits not only those you help, it enriches your own life.

As Booker T.Washington once said, "Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others."

Overcoming Resistance to Giving

If you find yourself hesitating about giving or volunteering, it might be because of a subconscious block. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) otherwise known as the tapping technique can help remove this barrier.

EFT or Tapping is a self-help method that combines elements of cognitive therapy and exposure therapy with acupressure. It has been found to significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels.

A study published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease found that veterans who used EFT experienced a significant decrease in post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. These veterans were then able to use their experiences to help other veterans suffering from similar issues, creating a ripple effect of healing and support within the community.

In schools where EFT programs have been implemented, teachers reported an improvement in their own stress levels and noted enhanced classroom environments. The students benefited from the calmer atmosphere, leading to improved academic performance.

While in corporate settings, executives who practice EFT have reported improved decision-making and reduced workplace stress.

The practice of EFT has even reached humanitarian efforts globally. For instance, after natural disasters or traumatic events, volunteers trained in EFT have provided immediate relief for survivors experiencing acute stress reactions.

The EFT Tapping Technique

1) Identify your resistance: First, rate your resistance to giving by rating it on a scale of 1-10. A rating of 10 shows a strong reluctance to donate money or time while a rating of 0 means there is no resistance.


It's important not to judge yourself harshly if you find resistance - there could be various subconscious reasons behind it.

2) To initiate the process:

  1. Tap the side of either hand (the karate chop point) while affirming: "Even though I feel hesitant to give {fill in the blank with whatever is right for you}, I deeply love and accept myself."

  2. Repeat the statement while tapping the side of your hand.

  3. Now tap the following points on your body while repeating the words, "This reluctance to {e.g., give}"

Above eyebrow

Side of eyes

Under eyes

Under top lip

Under bottom lip

Under collarbone

Under arms (about 4 inches down from armpit)

Top of head.

3) Take a deep breath

4) Check your rating again. If it has dropped to 1 or 0, you're now ready to find a charity or decide on an action that will benefit someone else. Remembering that what you do for others, you also do for yourself.

Experience how engaging in charitable work illuminates your life and observe how much better your body feels.

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone" Ronald Reagan

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