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Let’s Change 
Your Life

Finally, a life free from nagging problems is possible, without endless searching and struggling. Imagine waking up each day with a clear mind, free from the weight of unresolved issues. This is your guide to achieving that freedom. 


We all face problems in our lives - be it health issues, relationship troubles or business hurdles. Often, we feel trapped, as if there's no way out. But here's the good news: you have the power to change it all! The key lies within your subconscious mind. It's time to unlock that door and let the healing begin.


This consultation offers a simple yet profound approach to identifying and addressing the root causes of your problems. It delves into the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that are unknowingly creating havoc in your life. With this understanding and my help, you untie those knots one by one.


Plus... Once you've cleared away these negatives, get ready for a transformation like no other. Your life will take a turn for the better - you'll find yourself healthier, happier and more resilient than ever before.


And guess what? You might even see an increase in wealth! With newfound clarity and control over your life, there's nothing stopping you from reaching new heights of success.


So why wait? Let’s embark on this empowering journey towards a problem-free life today!

What you get in a consultation:

Our aim in working together is to clear out the negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions that are creating problems in your life so I will take down your personal details and rate your problem, pain or illness out of 10 so that we have some comparisons before and after. 

Now the transformation can begin. I will tune in to your subconscious mind to find the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that are creating problems for you and assist you to release them. 


Don’t worry, it’s not the least bit scary nor emotional nor traumatising. You are sitting comfortably in your chair fully conscious and present as I don’t use hypnosis or anything like that.


Both adults and children tell me they love the insight they get  into why things are happening the way they are, and often they get a good laugh at what their  subconscious mind has been doing, they get to release it all easily and they feel lighter, happier and healthier with every release they do. 


So this is what we do in your  consultation: you and I identify any emotion, thought or belief that is negatively impacting you,  we let it go and the problem lessens or disappears altogether. Easy!

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Margaret Cutler's MangoTiger

Providing Awesome Insight into the Subconscious Mind 

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