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Master the Writer’s Blueprint

Master the Writer’s Blueprint

Have you ever thought:"I know what I want to say but just can't seem to get it down on paper?"


"Master the Writer’s Blueprint:Your Step-by Step guide to Creating Engaging Content (Essays, Short Stories, Novels and Reports)" gives you  a simple, easy, step-by-step guide to help you (no matter how bad you are at expressing yourself) to write a well-constructed piece of writing that is simple AND enjoyable to do.


Both initially as students and then as corporates, we are often expected to write a logical, thoughtful, well-constructed essay or report or even give a speech, often at very short notice.


This method can be used for the simplest essay at school through to the most complex analytical essay or Ph.D. thesis at university, for corporate reports AND it can be used for delivering speeches!


The subject matter may change but the method does not. It will also show you how to write very effective précis or summaries.


In fact, I am confident that you will find this method so simple and effective you will wish you had learnt it years ago.



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